My name is Chris Rudyard, I am British and live and work in the UK. Thankfully, I can reach out to other countries and work further afield these days. Originally, I trained as a Person-Centred Counsellor in 2005 at PCCS Training Partnership in Manchester. PCCS was renowned for its dedication to Carl Rogers' Person-Centred philosophy, and radical ways of training counselling/psychotherapy students.
I'm not just a 'Trauma Informed Therapist', I'm trained in therapies that are designed to work to heal trauma. Since qualifying in 2007, I have kept my professional development up to date by learning other models of therapy including AEDP, CBT, Solution Focused Therapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Brainspotting Therapy, EMI, EMDR, IFS Therapy (Lv1-3 & Masterclass), Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and Lifespan Integration. I mostly practice IFS Therapy, and Integerate Somatic Therapies into this, which tends to lean towards deeper, quicker and more powerful recovery and positive change than normal talking therapy alone.
I'm unique as a psychotherapist in the UK, as I'm trained in a combination of newer, modern therapies. I'm not the usual Person Centred or CBT Practitioner although I've trained and qualified in these too. I have broad experience working in different organisations including Charities, Education, Hospitals, Clinics, NHS, Private Health Care Organisations, and Employee Assistance Programmes. I have extensive experience working online, and over the phone (lots of this was before there was such a thing as Zoom video calls). I regularly provide online therapy services to English speaking clients from all over the globe including UK, Belgium, Ireland, Spain, USA, Germany, Portugal, Dubai and Qatar.
As the psychotherapy world met the world of neuroscience around 2010 (in the UK), I became increasingly interested in trauma work and was able to see how much of the work I was doing was helping people heal from a traumatic history. It's always been amazing to see people recover and get to a better place, so I trained in newer cutting edge therapies that the top psychiatrists and therapists in the US were writing about. I've found therapies that do not just rely on talking about the problem or experience, could help people get to a better place much quicker, and also heal trauma wounds. I believe healing does not come from the way you think about 'it'.
Professional Development & Further Training
I commit to more than the BACPs 30 required hours Certified CPD/ongoing training every year. I have trained with some of the most revolutionary pioneers in psychotherapy and neuroscience in my field. I have completed over 180 hours face to face CPD in 2018, over 170 hours face to face CPD hours in 2019, and over 160 hours CPD in 2020. I continue to do CPD every year to improve my practice.
I'm not just a 'Trauma Informed Therapist', I'm trained in therapies that are designed to work to heal trauma. Since qualifying in 2007, I have kept my professional development up to date by learning other models of therapy including AEDP, CBT, Solution Focused Therapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Brainspotting Therapy, EMI, EMDR, IFS Therapy (Lv1-3 & Masterclass), Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and Lifespan Integration. I mostly practice IFS Therapy, and Integerate Somatic Therapies into this, which tends to lean towards deeper, quicker and more powerful recovery and positive change than normal talking therapy alone.
I'm unique as a psychotherapist in the UK, as I'm trained in a combination of newer, modern therapies. I'm not the usual Person Centred or CBT Practitioner although I've trained and qualified in these too. I have broad experience working in different organisations including Charities, Education, Hospitals, Clinics, NHS, Private Health Care Organisations, and Employee Assistance Programmes. I have extensive experience working online, and over the phone (lots of this was before there was such a thing as Zoom video calls). I regularly provide online therapy services to English speaking clients from all over the globe including UK, Belgium, Ireland, Spain, USA, Germany, Portugal, Dubai and Qatar.
As the psychotherapy world met the world of neuroscience around 2010 (in the UK), I became increasingly interested in trauma work and was able to see how much of the work I was doing was helping people heal from a traumatic history. It's always been amazing to see people recover and get to a better place, so I trained in newer cutting edge therapies that the top psychiatrists and therapists in the US were writing about. I've found therapies that do not just rely on talking about the problem or experience, could help people get to a better place much quicker, and also heal trauma wounds. I believe healing does not come from the way you think about 'it'.
- EMDR/Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing Therapist - Lv 1, 2 & 3 - This is a well-known therapy intervention for traumatic experience & complex trauma. EMDR can be quite an intensive treatment..and takes 100% commitment. This is the official training in EMDR UK & Ireland Accredited Course. With thanks to Dr. Derek Ferrell - Past president of EMDR UK & Ireland. Current Consultant, Accredited EMDR trainer & lecturer. Liverpool, UK. Find out more EMDR Therapy
- EMDR 2.0 : New enhanced EMDR methods: EMD Bomb, Flash 1.0, Flashforward & Mental Video Check
- Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherpy/AEDP Lv1 Therapist - A talking therapy that is trauma and attachment informed. It can help with inner child work, as well a stand alone roboust talking therapy. AEDP Institute with thanks to Dr Diana Fosha
- Brainspotting Phase 1 - British Psychological Society approved training. Cutting edge, and gentle therapy for processing traumatic experiences, amongst other 'difficult to shift' experiences. This approach is also great if you don't want to talk about the problem in detail, BSP uses the integration of neuropsychology and mindfulness. With thanks to Dr. Mark Grixti. Birmingham & Manchester. Find out more: Brainspotting Therapy
- Brainspotting Phase 2 - British Psychological Society approved training. Enhanced BSP for complex trauma and a range of difficult to process experiences. I have successfully used BSP for addiction, anxiety, dissociative experiences, nightmares, phantom pain, PTSD, sex problems, and unexplained anxiety. With thanks to Dr. Mark Grixti. Brighton & Manchester, UK
- Brainspotting Phase 3 - BSP training. Fully adaptable, and enhanced BSP approach, able to be used for many 'difficult to process' trauma issues that impact on, creativity, dissociative identity, EGO states, performance, sports enhancement, and complex trauma & PTSD. With thanks to Dr. David Grand (New York). Barcelona, Spain & London, UK
- Brainspotting Addictions & Trauma - Specialist treatment for all addictions. From chocolate, biscuits, crisps, through to cocaine, drug use, smoking, OCD, & self-harm. This approach incorporates attachment theory, neuroscience, and trauma. With thanks to Dr. Roby Abeles (Australia) - London, UK
- Brainspotting Masterclass - Enhanced training in the Brainspotting approach & theory. Working with deep-rooted complex trauma networks, and dissociation. With thanks to Dr. David Grand (New York) - Founder of Brainspotting - Barcelona, Spain
- Deep Brain Reorientating - Deep somatic/neuroscience therapy. From March 2025: Developed by Dr.Frank Corrigan. Scotland, UK https://deepbrainreorienting.com/deepbrainreorienting.com/
- EMI/Eye Movement Integration Level 1 Practitioner - a specialised Neurotherapy designed to treat trauma & PTSD (distressing memory & experience). This is a hybrid of popular EMDR therapy, it integrates, NLP, metadata, and 24 different eye movements. With thanks to Eva Pollani (Austria) - She is Europe's lead EMI accredited trainer) - Bath, UK. Research http://www.academieimpact.com/pdf/struwig.pdf
- EMI/Eye Movement Integration Level 2 + Supervision - this approach has been researched and found to be helpful with phobias and deeper rooted trauma. With thanks to Eva Pollani (Austria/Europe's lead EMI accredited trainer) - Bath, UK.
- Ego State Therapy with EMDR - 'Parts' Therapy for trauma & C/PTSD from abuse, sexual abuse, and childhood dissociative and non-dissociative ego states with EMDR. With thanks to Robin Shapiro (Seattle, USA). She is author of EMDR Solutions 1 & 2, and Trauma Treatment Handbook) - London, UK Find out more: Ego State Therapy
- IFS/Internal Family Systems Lv1 - with IFS UK Therapy which helps you gain a better sense of Self, and gives a much greater awareness to personality. IFS is a well-known trauma therapy in the USA and is becoming much more popular in the UK amongst therapists. IFS works with parts and protective parts. IFS can be helpful to some of the most challenging personality presentations, such as anger, addictions, OCD, complex childhood trauma. IFS is a very mindful, gentle, yet powerful therapy. It is more of a directive therapy, it has healing component to it, and makes use of 'memory reconsolidation'. Thanks to Dr. Osnat Arbel (Israel) & IFS-UK/IFS Institute & Team. Sheffield, UK. To provide IFS you must have completed this training. Internal Family Systems (IFS) has been hailed by Dr. Bessel A. van der Kolk, the world's leading expert in trauma, as "the treatment method that all clinicians should know to treat clients effectively." Find out more here: IFS Therapy
- IFS Lv2 - Deepening and Expanding IFS - with IFS Poland, completed with IFS Institue. Dr. Osnat Arbel
- IFS Lv3 - with IFS Portugal, Completed with IFS Institue. Dr. Richard Schwartz
- IFS Intensive - Treating Complex Trauma - In-depth training in IFS has helped me to become more knowledgeable, confident, and robust using the model. With Thanks to Dr. Frank Anderson (Boston, USA)
- IFS Trauma and Dissociation - with Joanne Twombly - Souliology Portugal (TBC May 2025)
- Lifespan Integration Lv 1 & 2- Completed with Lifespan Intgration UK, Brighton & Hove with thanks to the UKs only trainer Vajralila
- Treating Complex Trauma Clients at the Edge: How Brain Science Can Inform Interventions Dr. Frank Anderson
- IFS Masterclass with Robert Falconer: The Farther Reaches of IFS.
- IFS Informed EMDR - A genlter deeper way of working with EMDR. Bruce Hersey
- Polyvagal Theory, Oxycontin, and the Neurobiology of Love - London, UK. With thanks to Dr. Stephen Porges Author and creator of 'The Polyvagal Theory' & Dr. Sue Carter (North Carolina, USA)
- Integration of Mind, Brain and Body in the Treatment of Trauma - London, UK. With thanks to Dr. Bessel van der Kolk - Boston, USA - Author of 'The Body Keeps The Score'
- Broken Bonds: Traumatic Attachment and Affect Dysregulation - London, UK. With Dr. Janina Fisher - Boston, USA - Author of 'Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors'
- Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Trauma Themes Lv1 - with Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute - with thanks to Esther Perez
- Postgraduate - Person-Centred Therapy & CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) Level 7 - This training also included 3rd Wave CBT techniques such as mindfulness, and exposure techniques. Temenos - Sheffield, UK. with thanks to Dr. Joe Curran & Linda Smith
- Accredited BACP Diploma Level 4 - Theory & Practice of Counselling & psychotherapy (This course specialised in, and was renowned for their Person-Centred Psychotherapy training - Person-Centred Counselling Services (PCCS) Training Partnership - Manchester, UK. With thanks to Frances McDonnell & Tracey Walshaw
- Accredited Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy inc. EMDR, EFT, Ego State Therapy, Eriksonian Hypnosis, NLP Professional Coaching, 'Rewind Technique', Solution Focused Counselling & Hypnotherapy - CEC - Birmingham, UK
- Cert in Counselling Supervision - British Psychological Society approved training - Skills Development Centre. NCPS - Accrediterd Approved Supervisor - Manchester, UK
- Diploma in NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) With thanks to Marilyn Tucknott
- Cert in NLP Professional Coaching - CEC - Birmingham, UK.
- Cert in Solution Focused Hypno-Psychotherapy, Solution Focused Counselling Skills, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy - CEC - Birmingham, UK. With thanks to Nick Cooke
- Counselling Skills Level 3 - ABC Awards - Manchester, UK. With thanks to Gail Jardine
- Counselling Concepts Level 2 - ABC Awards - Manchester, UK. With thanks to Gail Jardine
- Cert of Proficiency BACP – British Association for Counselling and Psychotherpy
Professional Development & Further Training
I commit to more than the BACPs 30 required hours Certified CPD/ongoing training every year. I have trained with some of the most revolutionary pioneers in psychotherapy and neuroscience in my field. I have completed over 180 hours face to face CPD in 2018, over 170 hours face to face CPD hours in 2019, and over 160 hours CPD in 2020. I continue to do CPD every year to improve my practice.
- Anger Management
- Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (A.S.I.S.T): Living Works
- Attachment theory & adoption training
- Basic Principles of Somatic Experiencing ®: Somatic Experiencing International - with thanks to Isabell Correa
- Bereavement/loss & palliative care counselling: NHS/Trafford Bereavement & Palliative Care Service
- Child & adult safeguarding Lv3/4:
- Conflict resolution
- Counter-terrorism training (WRAP)
- Counselling young people: Relate
- Couples & relationship counselling: PCCS Training Partnership
- Data protection & GDPR 2019
- Domestic violence: Relate
- Effects of childhood traumatic stress on physical & mental health: Dr. Gabor Maté
- Family support - Beechwood cancer care
- Group work: NHS, UK
- Gestalt therapy dream work
- Health & safety: QCF, UK
- IFS Compassion for Addictive Processes: Cece Sykes LCSW, ACSW; IFS Senior Trainer
- Informed IFS Trauma & Dissociation: with Joanne Twombly & IFSCA
- The Integrated Trauma Therapist: Incorporating IFS with EMDR, SP, CPT, AEDP, DBT and Psychedelic Medicines for Treating Complex Trauma and PTSD. Frank Anderson, Bessel Van Der Kolk, Janina Fisher, Richard Schwartz
- IFS Masterclass: with Robert Falconer (USA): The Farther Reaches of IFS
- Intro to Gestalt therapy: Brian McMinn
- Intro to Existential Psychotherapy: New School of Psychotherapy - Dr. Emmy van Deurzen
- Polyvagal Theory: Dr. Deb Dana
- Polyvagal Theory: during the COVID-19 pandemic: Deb Dana on creating safety and connection through online technology
- Supporting LGBTQ+ mental health
- Mental health - NHS, UK
- Self-harm - Teaching School Alliance, UK
- Suicide TALK - Living Works
- Timian (challenging behaviour) - BILD
- Trauma-informed practice & scope
- Treating Complex Trauma Clients at the Edge: How Brain Science Can Inform Interventions: Frank Anderson
- Treating Dissociative Disorders: Dolores Mosquera & Kathy Steele
- Transactional Analysis
- Young people, sex & the law
Chris has trained with some of the most renowned innovators of the trauma therapy world!